June Volunteer Best Draw Ever
Winners Announcement

Hello everyone!
I am happy to announce the winners of our June Volunteer Best Draw Ever
Drum roll, please….
Doug Hlina & Raymond Black
Each of you is the lucky winner of:
One Roots & Blues Adult Weekend Pass, valued at $275.00 ea.
Congratulations gentlemen!
Doug has been volunteering at the Village for quite some time; helping with the set up of the tents and tables for events, working the BBQ at the Car Show, helping Bruce to set up for Spooktacular and maintenance projects. Doug also works the forge in the Blacksmith Shop during the Pioneer School Program.
Raymond started volunteering with us last season and has been a great addition to the team, from helping with parking or putting up event posters to becoming an interpreter at the Haney House.
To the lucky winners and to our fantastic group of volunteers, THANK YOU! Your time, work and dedication are highly appreciated. Working with you is always a pleasure.
I would like to thank Roots & Blues for supporting R.J. Haney's Volunteer Program. Because of local businesses and organizations like this, we can show our appreciation to our fantastic group of volunteers.
Have a wonderful day, and remember we will have a July Volunteer Best Draw Ever, I will be sending out details next week.
Have a wonderful day!
